
Mostrando las entradas de abril, 2019

My on-line Tools

MY ON-LINE TOOLS 1-      Youtube: Students watch a film trailer and then work on a film review.  2-  Hot Potatoes : Prepare your own crossword. Students create their own crossword using vocabulary already learnt in class. 3- SKYPE: Getting to know you better. Last year, my students had a nice conversation with other students from a school in Zambia, Africa.  4- ClASSROOM (GOOGLE ): Write your essay: Is genetically modified food a bless or a curse? Submit it by next Friday.  5-   https://es.english-attack.com/ Students watch a video clip of their favourite film and do some listening comprehension activities. 

My off-line tools

MY OFF- LINE TOOLS  1- Microsoft Word: My favourite singer: Find information about your favourite singer and write his- her biography. Use the present and past tenses and the vocabulary learnt in class. Include some images to illustrate your writing. 2 -      Cd Rom : Students use the Cd Rom that comes with the book to watch a video related to the unit covered in class and do the corresponding activities. 3-   Powerpoint Presentation : A country I would like to visit: Choose a country and find information about its culture and geographical features. Students use images to illustrate the place. 4- Beamer : My Community Project: In groups, students find information about a community work they can do in their neighbourhood and choose a project. They use the beamer to show their work to the rest of the class.  5-    Flash drive:  Listen to a song and do some comprehension activities.      

Getting to know me! Welcome to my blog

Assignment 1: Part 1 My name is Valeria Alcaraz. I am 42 years old. I live in Martínez. Education and English 💖💖💖💖💖are my innate passion, that is why I decided to be a teacher of English when I was a little girl. I am a fourth-year student at the UTN ( www.inspt.utn.edu.ar/) . I chose this renowned institution for its excellence in education and fully-fledged professors. I have taken a long path to complete my studies, but hopefully, this year I am attending my last 3 subjects ( Education Technology, Language IV and Methods II) and thus, I will be able to fulfil my dream: be a certified teacher of English!!!🎓🎓🎓 As for my work background, I have been teaching for 20 years now. I first started working in a primary school and five years later, I took the challenge to teach in a secondary school in Olivos. Soon afterwards, I found my niche in this school where I have been working for the past 15 years.  With the advent of technology, lots of changes have take